Another One!

Really hope you read that title in your best DJ Khaled Voice!

Yoooo I just wanna say thank you to the folks following this journey. I can’t fully say that I’m back in the swing of things completely, but I’m super proud that I was able to get this out. Between “daddying,” work, and combating the Dad bod, my time has been stretched thin. BUT…. I love this, and it’s a reprieve for me so I gotta do it. Also, these pics are pure flames!!!!


That said, I have to call this out! MIFLAND is truly the shiz. Like I thought it was a game! As I was checking out, I was like, “these kinda pricy for some sweats,” but when I got them, I was super impressed. From the quality to the design, and the overall fit, these are some of the best-crafted sweats I have ever purchased. At this point, I live in sweats, but damn, if I feel like going out-out, I’ll argue with the doorman over these. (If you’ve ever been out pre-COVID, you know damn well you not getting into the club in sweats or a ball cap unless you know somebody or you bought a section). Also, I love their backstory:

[Mifland Leather Goods is an American-based mixed accessory goods company with a modern utilitarian approach. Through founder and brand director Tobi Egberongbe’s previous experiences and affinity to design, photography, architecture, contemporary furniture, a brand was created. Mifland was formed with these ideals and rhetoric in mind….]



For more on the Mifland brand check out their website –

These days simplicity and access are key for me, which is reflected even more in my fits. I have always had a thing for tennis shoes, but the Jordan 1 Shattered Backboards are a coveted item, and I had to do it with this look.

Finally, the cap… so there’s this LA-based company that sprung up and is making waves. What’s even more powerful is the message:

[P.H.E.I.T (pr. fate) is an acronym which stands for Positive, Humble, Encouraging, Intelligent, Talented. It’s a lifestyle that we portray through fashion. Created and conceived in Compton, California by Founder and Designer, Donte Johnson.  

All products are hand distressed, crafted, and sewn. Quality is Key.]


For more on PHEIT, check out their website:


Finally, if as a man you haven’t tried this crossbody situation, it’s a vibe. Especially as a dad, it makes the important stuff super accessible while managing the kiddos and still looking like you have a closet.


To a Life Worth Living,


The Wkender